5 Tips for Creating a Standout Resume in 2024: Jobseekers this is for YOU

Your resume is like your foot in the door with potential employers. With recruiters, on average, giving it about 6 seconds of their precious time, every second counts big time. That’s why nailing the art of resume crafting is key. In this blog, we’ll explore five super helpful tips so that recruiters notice your resume and put you right at the top of the list of people they want to hire. 

1. Tailor Your Resume 

When you tailor your resume, it focuses on showing that you’ve taken the time to understand what the job is all about and that you’ve got the skills and experience to knock it out of the park. 

A perfectly tailored resume highlights all the awesome traits you bring to the table that match up perfectly with what the recruiter is after. It’s like you saying “I’m the perfect fit for this job role, and here’s why!” 

For example, if the job description focuses on project management skills and experience with specific software, make sure to shine a light on your own project management experience and how you’re a total pro with that software. Talk about how you led a project team and even implemented the software to make things run super smoothly. 

How to Tailor Your Resume
  • Take a moment to dig into the job description. Look for the key skills, qualifications, and experiences the employer is after.
  • Once you’ve got a handle on what they’re looking for, highlight those experiences and achievements that match up perfectly with what the employer wants.
  • Include relevant keywords from the job description in your resume to demonstrate that you have the specific skills and knowledge required.
  • When it comes to your objective or summary statement, make it personal. Let them know why you’re excited about the position and how your skills make you the ideal candidate.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Your resume should be captivating and to the point. Focus on the most relevant info to grab that employer’s attention from the get-go.

2. Quantify Your Achievements

When you’re talking about your past roles on your resume, don’t just rattle off a list of job duties. Instead, add some numbers and data to showcase your wins and accomplishments. Why? Well, quantifying what you’ve achieved helps you give recruiters proof of your skills and the value you bring to the organization. 

For example, instead of stating “Managed a successful marketing campaign,” say “Led a marketing campaign that resulted in a 30% increase in sales, generating $500,000 in revenue within six months.”  

Similarly, if you’ve managed a team, specify the team’s size, such as “Directed a cross-functional team of 10 members,” providing context for your leadership experience.

How to Quantify Your Achievements
  • Take a moment to think about your work journey. What are some standout moments where you shined?
  • Dive into the nitty-gritty. What numbers can you gather to back up your accomplishments? Think sales numbers, percentage improvements, project timelines, or cost savings.
  • Get into the specifics. How much money did you save? How many projects did you complete ahead of schedule? The more details, the better!

3. Use Action Words

Powerful action verbs can make a difference to your resume. They help make your resume clear and impactful when you’re talking about your achievements and responsibilities. Plus, they show potential employers that you’re proactive and results-driven, which is always a plus. 

For example, instead of stating “Responsible for managing a team,” use a stronger action verb like “Led a team of 15 sales representatives to exceed quarterly targets.” Similarly, replace “Handled customer inquiries” with “Resolved customer inquiries promptly and effectively, maintaining a satisfaction rate of 95%.”  

How to Use Action Words in Your Resume 
  • Research common action verbs used in your profession and incorporate them appropriately.
  • When it comes to action verbs, think big! Select action verbs that convey leadership, accomplishment, and initiative. 
  • Skip overused or generic terms. Instead, pick out those power-packed verbs that make recruiters sit up and take notice.
  • Don’t just drop action verbs into your resume randomly. Pair them up with your accomplishments to show exactly what you’ve achieved.
  • Whether you’re talking about your current gig or a past one, stick to either present or past-tense verbs all the way through.
  • Don’t repeat the same old verbs over and over. Mix it up with synonyms to keep your resume fresh and engaging.

4. Use a Modern and Appealing Format

Give your resume a modern makeover! Instead of using old styles and fonts (they’re so last decade!), go for a fresh, clean layout that’s easy on the eyes and shows professionalism. You can also add a little flair with some subtle design elements. 

For example, instead of using a traditional resume template with Times New Roman font and plain bullet points, opt for a sleek layout with a sans-serif font like Arial. Introduce a thin border around the page or shaded backgrounds for section headers. 

How to Create a Modern and Appealing Resume Format
  • When picking a font, go for something modern and easy on the eyes like Calibri, Arial, or Helvetica. 
  • Stay away from fancy or old-fashioned fonts that might steal attention away from what really matters: your content.
  • Be consistent in font sizes, styles, and spacing throughout your resume for a cohesive look. This makes it easier to read and gives off a professional vibe.
  • Make sure your resume flows logically and isn’t too cluttered. Leave plenty of space around each section so the recruiter can focus on what’s important: you!
  • Add subtle design touches, such as borders, lines, or shading, to enhance visual appeal. Just don’t go overboard and distract from your skills and experience.
  • Use bolding, italicizing, or varying font sizes to emphasize important information such as section headings, job titles, and key accomplishments.

5. Use ATS-friendly Keywords 

97.4% of the Fortune 500 ones in 2023 use these Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) when they’re hiring. That’s where your resume goes first, so it’s super important to make sure it gets through the initial screening. How? Well, one big thing is using the right keywords – buzzwords and industry-specific terms you see in the job posting.  

For example, if the job description focuses on skills like “project management,” “strategic planning,” and “data analysis,” ensure these keywords are prominently featured in your resume. For instance, instead of merely stating “Managed projects,” you could write “Demonstrated strong project management skills in overseeing multiple projects simultaneously.” 

How to Create a Modern and Appealing Resume Format
  • Take a good look at the job description to spot the key skills and responsibilities the employer is after.
  • Jot down those important keywords and industry-specific terms that match up with what you bring to the organization.
  • Add those keywords organically all over your resume, especially in the summary, work experience, and skills sections.
  • While you’re at it, focus on writing engaging and descriptive content that effectively communicates your qualifications and achievements.
  • Don’t go overboard stuffing your resume with keywords. Keep it readable and coherent by using them wisely and naturally.
Bonus Tip 1: Mention Your Soft Skills 

Over 60% of employers seek evidence of problem-solving and teamwork skills. So, don’t just focus on your technical skills. Make sure to throw in some of your soft skills too, such as adaptability and teamwork. 

For instance, instead of just rattling off your technical know-how, you should tell the recruiters about a time you performed well in a team project or tackled a tough situation expertly.  

So, here’s how you can do it: check out the job description for any soft skills they’re after. Once you’ve got those, add them throughout your resume, especially into your summary, and skills section, and when talking about experiences where you’ve put those skills to good use.  

Bonus Tip 2: Mention Online Platforms and Courses

Talk about relevant online platforms and courses in your resume to give employers a glimpse into your proactive approach to self-development. For instance, include certifications from platforms like Coursera or LinkedIn Learning that enhance your skills and knowledge in your field. 

So, here’s the trick: create a dedicated section on your resume just for these courses and certifications. It’s a subtle way of telling employers that you’re ready to take on whatever challenges come your way. 

Bonus Tip 3: Proofread Rigorously

Did you know that a huge 77% of employers hit the reject button as soon as they spot a grammatical mistake or typo on a resume? Yup, it’s that brutal! So, here’s the deal: polish up your grammar and spelling to perfection in your resume. Otherwise, even the tiniest slip-up can send your chances downward. 

When your resume is error-free, it shows that you’re someone who pays attention to the little details. That kind of precision shows professionalism and can boost your chances of leaving a great impression on the recruiters.

So, to make sure your resume is clean, give it a few thorough read-throughs. You could also try out some online grammar checkers such as Grammarly for an extra pair of eyes. Also, it’s always good to get a fresh perspective and catch any mistakes you might have missed. So, you can ask a trusted friend or colleague to give it a once-over too. 

Bonus Tip 4: Consider Alternative Formats

Have you ever thought about spicing up your resume with something a little different, such as infographics or visual resumes? They can make you stand out! 

But you’ve to make sure your chosen format fits with the vibe of the industry and company you’re applying to. For example, if you’re in graphic design or marketing, recruiters might dig for a visual resume. But if you’re going for something more traditional, sticking to the standard format might be your best bet. 

A bit of a creative resume helps you prove your flexibility and thinking outside the box, which could catch the eye of employers in industries that appreciate these qualities.

So, how to choose a different resume format? Well, take some time to get a feel for what’s the norm in your industry and what the company you’re applying to might prefer. Then, when you settle on an alternative format, just make sure it still looks professional, is easy to read, and does a great job of showing off your skills and qualifications.  


Making the perfect resume is your ticket to the top of the hiring pile. So, let’s recap the key tips to help your resume shine:

  • Think of your resume as your personal pitch, tailored to each job. Highlight your skills and experience that match what the recruiter is after.
  • Numbers speak louder than words. Show off your wins and accomplishments with hard data to back them up.
  • Don’t just tell, show! Use powerful verbs to paint a vivid picture of your experience and accomplishments.
  • Ditch the old-school fonts and boring layouts. Go for something fresh, clean, and eye-catching.
  • Use the right keywords from the job description to make sure your resume gets past the ATS.

Apart from these tips, you should also focus on a few more aspects. Make sure to mention your soft skills and relevant online courses and certifications. Proofread meticulously so that a silly typo can’t ruin your chances. Consider using a visual resume or infographic that fits the vibe of your industry and the company you’re applying to.

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